“I appreciate and thank Rev. Shibu Cherian for the systematic study of the word of God on a daily basis by covering the entire bible in 365 days. Studying and meditating the word of God early in the morning gives the right thought patterik for the day, and you will be green, fresh and whatever you do will prosper (Psalm 1:3). You create your own environment with the attitude you develop, and the right attitude (physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) can be developed by studying the word of God through this devotional book. I have personally studied the book of Job from this blog in 2011 that has helped me to understand why God allows suffering in my life. I congratulate Rev. Shibu Cherian for this effort in bringing biblical thought pattern into the minds of people through his writings and pray that many more theological books will follow.”
— Dr. Rev. Abraham Varghese Executive Director, Lucknow Teen Challenge Drug Rehabilitation Ministry, India
“It is very important to read the Bible systematically through daily devotion and scripture reflection that will help people to refocus their thoughts on the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading the entire Bible helps further your spiritual walk, because the whole Bible shows us how we should think, talk, walk, act, and live. If we neglect certain parts of the Bible we may miss out on some of the practical life lessons the Bible teaches us. This devotional book “United in The WORD” written by Rev. Shibu Cherian serves the purpose of assisting people journey through reading the whole Bible in a year. I salute Rev. Cherian for his dedication and publishing the daily devotions as a collective writing. I hope and pray that this will encourage many to read the Bible, and be able to live out what they are reading. May God bless you!”
— Rev. Dr. C. V. Andrews Senior Pastor, Atlanta Church of God, USA
“A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential for the balanced growth and development. The systematic daily intake of God’s Word in its entirety and digesting the same is crucial in the life of a Christian. Our families, churches, communities and the world at large are in need of men and women/boys and girls who would feed on the Word for daily spiritual strength, reflection and positive and healthy life style that is rooted in the principles and standards of the Bible. ”United in The WORD” is an excellent tool and guide that would take the reader and student of the Word to deeper depths and higher heights for a year-long experience through the Holy Scriptures. I commend this devotional book by my good friend and colleague in the ministry, Rev. Shibu Cherian, and wish God’s blessings and favours upon all that would take advantage of this journey and experience through the Word of God.”
— Rev. Dr. Joe Kurian Director, UK Church of God Cross Cultural Ministries, London
“At the start of the year 2012, I give a clarion call to the young and the old to be blessed from the continuous and systematic reading of the Bible. When the Word is read, studied, and lived by, it transforms individuals, families and the whole society. The world would become heaven on earth. This day-by-day Devotional that Rev. Shibu Cherian compiled from his daily blogs is an exceptionally great tool to promote the strengthening of the Christian youth. May God bless him abundantly in his labor of love for the Kingdom! MARANATHA!”
— Rev. Joseph Mathew Overseer, Church of God, Central West Region, India
“Anyone who desires to grow and get intimate with God cannot ignore or neglect the Word of God, which is given to us as light to our path and lamp to our feet and help us to progress in our walk with God. Without God’s Word to guide us, we will stumble and be lost. God’s Word is also the “Sword of the Spirit” to protect us as well as to destroy our enemy. God’s Word is like pure milk given to us to get stronger until we reach the full stature of Jesus Christ. God’s Word produces faith in our spiritual walk as well. This daily devotional will surely capture your imagination and stir you up to grow intimate with God. May this devotional produce the desired results is my hope and prayer!”
— Rev. Pappy Mathai Senior Pastor, Assemblies of God, Lucknow, India Superintendent, Northern District of Assemblies of God of North India
“Pastor Shibu Cherian writes well in a technical/scholarly style as well as in a devotional style. This book is a collection of devotional/ meditational reflections concerning Christ’s glory. He strives to apply Scripture to our place and time in history. As such, his works, both scholarly and devotional, are accessible, relevant, enjoyable, and powerful. It comforts, encourages and supports those on a spiritual journey seeking a closer walk with God. This book is ‘Soul Food’ for the spiritual traveller.”
— Rev. Shibu K. Mathew Registrar, Mount Zion Bible College, Church of God, Kerala State, India
“It gives me much pleasure to know that Rev. Shibu Cherian is publishing his collective writings of his devotional blog United in The WORD. It is written in the Bible that “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of the God”. The spiritual food that he prepared for the people of God will really be a blessing from the beginning of the year till its end. Let this endeavour bring spiritual growth and encouragement to every reader day by day and find out hidden treasures of the Word of God. I wish all success to this new endeavour!”
— Rev. K M Thankachan Regional Overseer, Church of God in India, Central Eastern Region, Calcutta, India
“United in The WORD is a wonderful collection of daily Bible Devotions, designed to be used as a 365-day devotional reading. Not only is this an excellent devotional, but also an excellent Bible study resource for teens and young adults. As a pastor and a counselor, I highly recommend this book to every committed Christian.”
— Dr. Thomas Idiculla, PhD President, Agape Partners International Director, Mental Health Services Evaluation, McLean Hospital, USA Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, USA
“With marvellously insightful words and very thoughtful commentary on each daily portion, this book has made an impact on individuals and will continue on to ripple out to other Christians. It’s an encouraging and inspiring start to God’s people each morning.”
— Rev. Thomas Mathew, Ph. D. Assistant Pastor, Aflanta Church of God, Lawrenceville, USA
“I take this opportunity to thank Pastor Shibu Cherian a great man of God who is being used in a powerful way for the kingdom purpose. It is through him that God allowed having a wealth of information through the daily devotional reading made possible for all of us. The purpose of it is that we must be Kingdom minded people. “The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:14-15) and “Seek first the kingdom of God, His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). The dynamic of Christian life and the power of the Word can be experienced only be reading and making the word of God into practice by understanding the principles. Further in Luke 16:16, the kingdom of God is advanced through reading the word daily, preaching, impassioned prayer, confrontation with the demonic, a flaming heart to reach the unreached then do the miraculous with God’s anointing and His power that is working in all of us.”
— Rev. Wilson Varghese, World Missionary Evangelist, Louisiana, USA