God has a ‘GREATER’ PURPOSE in our lives!
January 15 Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 43-45
God has a ‘GREATER’ PURPOSE in our lives!
When Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers, he speaks profound words of revelation as he explains the reason why he came to Egypt earlier through this very painful process. In Genesis 45:4-5 he exposes his true identity with the following words: “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you". Joseph clarifies his statement further in verse 7: “But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance”.
Joseph was
convinced that he was fulfilling God’s greater plan in his life all these years.
For this he had to travel the pathway of pain, rejection and suffering which
God allowed in order to save his family alive through the terrible famine and
to preserve a remnant on earth (out of which one day would be born our Savior
Jesus Christ).
The story of Joseph reminds us so much about Jesus Christ, whom God sent into this world to save lives of humanity. Just like Joseph, our Lord Jesus was totally innocent of all the crimes he was accused of, and was sold off by someone He considered his very own. Just like in the case of Joseph, it was God’s eternal plan that He would send His only begotten Son Jesus ahead of time for us to suffer and pay the penalty of our sin so that we might be saved from eternal destruction.
Thank you Lord, for all your unseen provisions in our lives!