God’s plan in our lives will prevail eventually even if we fail up to live up to His directions!

January 9 Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 25-27

God’s plan in our lives will prevail eventually even if we fail up to live up to His directions!

God’s plan in our lives will prevail eventually even if we fail up to live up to His directions. We have a good example of this in the case of Esau and Jacob. Even before they were born, God had clearly spoken to Rebekah that “the older shall serve the younger” (Gen. 25: 23b). 

However, as the boys grew up, Isaac loved his older son Esau “because he ate of his game” (Gen. 25: 28a). Eventually, Isaac decided to bless Isaac before he died as a token of his love for his firstborn son. However, God allowed Rebekah to overhear the conversation of Isaac and Esau, and with quick action got Jacob to present himself to his father as Esau. The blessings that Isaac had reserved for Esau was received by Jacob through deception: “…Be master over your brethren, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you…” (Gen. 27: 29b). This blessing was reconfirmed to Esau again by Isaac: “…and you shall serve your brother…” (Gen. 27: 40b).

Let us understand clearly that God will fulfill His plans in our lives eventually in His time even though others may try to thwart it time and again. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5: 6)    



God orchestrates everything in our lives if we obey and trust Him completely!