Steps to ‘REAL’ GODLY success


January 13 Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 37-39

Steps to ‘REAL’ GODLY success

When he was only seventeen years old, Joseph had two different dreams that he will achieve success in his life to that extent that his entire family (including his parents) will bow down and acknowledge his honor and authority (Genesis 37: 5-11). This is wonderful for Joseph, but little did he know that during the next thirteen years God would develop him in the crucible of prolonged suffering, pain and rejection. It is a close reading of Genesis 39 that teaches us the steps to success in Joseph’s life.

  1. The Lord was with Joseph in his daily secular work (vv. 2, 21a, 23b). 
  2. Joseph was faithful to God and his position even during the time his supervisor was not around (vv. 8, 9). 
  3. Joseph’s supervisor could see the quality of his work, and discern that God was with him to prosper him (v. 3). 
  4. Finally, God gave favor to Joseph in the sight of his supervisors (vv. 4, 21b). 

Joseph became very successful in life even as he had dreamed as a young boy, and his dreams were literally fulfilled and confirmed three times after 13 years (See Gen. 42:6; 44:14; 50:18). God will grant us success in our lives as well when we are true to our calling and status as His child, and if we would be faithful in what has been committed to us. Philippians 1:6 exhorts us that we should be “…confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”.


It is BETTER ‘ALWAYS’ to trust God for our needs!
