There is deliverance ONLY through the BLOOD of CHRIST!
January 21 Bible Reading: Exodus Chapters 10-12
There is deliverance ONLY through the BLOOD of CHRIST!
What God had foretold to Abraham while sealing His covenant
back in Genesis 15:13-14 was now literally being fulfilled for the children of
Israel in Egypt. After serving Pharaoh and the Egyptians for 430 years (Exodus
12:40-41), it was now time for God to deliver His people from bondage. This
deliverance will not come without a price being paid. For every household of
the children of Israel, a lamb without blemish had to be killed (Exodus 12:3-6;
21) and the blood of that lamb had to be smeared on the two doorposts and on
the lintel of their homes (vv. 7, 22). At night God would pass through the land
of Egypt and will strike dead all the firstborns of every home, both man and
beast (vv. 12, 23a). However, when God sees the blood on the doorposts of the
homes of the children of Israel, He would pass
over them without executing any judgment (vv. 13, 23b), since a lamb had
already paid the ultimate price for the lives of the firstborn.
To apply
this incident in our lives, Pharaoh and Egypt is comparable to Satan and his
kingdom. Like the children of Israel, we were under bondage of Satan and his
evil powers (Eph. 2:1-3). Just as the blood of an innocent lamb was smeared on
the doorposts of the homes belonging to the children of Israel, the innocent
blood of the Lamb of God (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29) was smeared on another post
that we know as the cross of Calvary. It was God himself who paid the ultimate
price to make us free from death and eternal darkness. We have now been brought
near to God through the blood that was shed for us (Eph. 2:13), redeemed (1 Peter
1:18-19) and have peace with God (Col. 1:20). This blood can cleanse us from
all our sins if we only confess our sins to Him (1 John 1:9).
If you have not got cleansed from your sins through the blood of Christ, please know that you are headed to an eternal death and separation from God (like the firstborn of the Egyptians). Now is your day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2). Accept Christ in your heart and confess all your sins (Rom. 10:8) and you will receive the true freedom that only God can give.
Know this for a fact - there is deliverance ONLY through the blood of Christ!