The First Journey by Dr. Shibu Cherian
Its Time to Consider Our Ways (October 1)
Changing Self-Righteousness to Gods Righteousness (October 2)
Its Not By Might Nor By Power But By His Spirit (October 3)
Obedience is Better Than Fasting (October 4)
Keeping Christ at the Center of Our Lives (October 5)
The Great Sacrifice of Christ, Our Shepherd-Savior (October 6)
Gods Promise of Abundant Blessing (October 7)
Repentance-The First Step in Obeying God (October 8)
Setting Up the Right Priorities for Our Lives (October 9)
Building Our Lives on a Solid Foundation (October 10)
An Open Invitation to Receive Perfect Rest (October 11)
God Hates Hypocricy in Our Worship (October 12)
Forgiveness is Christianity in Action (October 13)
Lead by Serving and Serve by Leading (October 14)
Modeling in Both Our Words and Actions (October 15)
God Will Help Us to Fulfill His Great Commission (October 16)
Refocusing Our Priorities Everyday (October 17)
Familiarity Breeds Contempt and Unbelief (October 18)
What Truly Matters Comes Out From Our Hearts (October 19)
Beware of Trusting in Uncertain Riches (October 20)
Do You Really Believe in the Resurrection of Christ (October 21)
Serving God Without Fear in Holiness Righteousness (October 22)
God Desires Love, Mercy & Kindness From Our Lives.mp3 (October 23)
Salvation is Free but Discipleship is Costly (October 24)
Dont Be Distracted with Good Activities (October 25)
God Still Rejoices (October 26)
Humility Always Comes Before Exaltation (October 27)
Seeking to Save Those Who are Lost (October 28)
Christs Resurrection Demands a Response from Us (October 29)
Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ (October 30)
True Worship = Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth (October 31)